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What we do

MGV provides specialized services for scaling nascent technology companies and sourcing innovation opportunities. Our practice focuses on technology markets in the cyber security, data analytics, enterprise software, consumer software, communications, network centric devices, health services, medical devices and medical analytics fields.

Company Development Services

Early stage technology companies require experienced leadership for operations, market validation and capital generation. MGV ensures that growth milestones are accomplished by delivering senior leadership and board services during critical development phases. Retainer and equity fee structures are used as compensation for these services. This ensures that MGV and the client are aligned with company development objectives. 

Innovation Sourcing and Analysis

Identifying and assimilating external innovation requires a unique operating structure and sourcing network to ensure that the best opportunities are presented and vetted for strategic insertion. MGV provides the opportunity for an organization to review and implement an innovation structure that matches leadership's strategic objectives and financial boundaries. In conjunction with establishing a strong operating model, our practice sources opportunities and helps client

 organizations develop their own innovation assimilation process. The end result is a strong innovation culture that produces a high return on investment.  Retainer fees are used for compensation of these services.  

Innovation Investment

For clients that desire the opportunity to make equity investments in emerging technology companies, MGV will establish and operate a strategic investing program. Retainer fees and carried interest structures are used as compensation for these services.   

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